EyeWitnessToHistory.com Your ringside seat to history – from the Ancient World to the present. History through the eyes of those who lived it.
Cool Site of the Day – ToastGomez.com
ToastGomez.com Johnnie Walker and Gomez have teamed up to bring you this interactive site about the band Gomez.
Cool Site of the Day – PatentlySilly.com
PatentlySilly.com has a collection of silly patents issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Cool Site of the Day – FindRestaurants.us
FindRestaurants.us has 300,000 restaurants listed over the United States. Find good new local restaurants in your area.
Cool Site of the Day – LHIOB.com
LHIOB.com If you’re a fan of HBO’s Entourage, LHIOB.com (Let’s Hug It Out Bitch) is for you. It’s packed with cool goodies about the cast and show.
Cool Site of the Day – BadFads.com
BadFads.com allows you to browse through the fun and fascinating fashion, collectible, activity and event fads of the last 100 years. Check out the crazy stuff your parents wore.
Cool Site of the Day – JuicyEcards.com
JuicyEcards.com has free ecards to send to your family and friends. Send I Love you Cards, Birthday Cards, Thank You Cards, Stay In Touch Cards, Back To School Cards and more.
Cool Site of the Day – Tattoos.com
Tattoos.com online reference point for body art that is full of articles, galleries, links to reputable artists, and other cool stuff about tattoos.
Cool Site of the Day – Powercoupons.com
PowerCoupons.com is the best way to save cash online. Many of us shop online, and with Power Coupons we can have quick access to promo codes to many online stores. Definitely a useful site to save some money.
Cool Site of the Day – Jiggerbug
Jiggerbug lets you rent or download their audiobooks. They have a 2 week free trial.